100km run – Determination, hard work & consistency!!
- November 22, 2020
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Prepared by Mira Sabbagh
On November 14, 2020, Georges saado, ran 100 Km nonstop on the LMT adding this impressive result to his list of national achievements, he started from section 15 (Baskinta) and finished in section 21 (Jezzine) in just 21 hrs. Saado hopes to create a network that connects all lovers of the outdoor activities (hiking, trail running…) and an annual race on the LMT, all while shedding the light on the beauty and importance of Lebanese nature and mountains.

This project couldn’t be achieved without the assistance of:
– Joseph iskandar and Ibrahim Mallo (section 15,16,17)
-Nayla Cortas and Elias Polion (section 18,19)
-Hussein Kara Ali and Louis Wakim (section 20,21)
-A logistic team including Mr Marwan Akl and Mr Paul Saado providing water and food on 7 check points.